Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Don't Even Know

Okay, so yesterday I was watching the Twilight Zone with my dad and there was this one that really made me think. The time was set in the future. It was about how the government was going to burn all the books in the world. They thought books had a bad influence on peoples mind. They also didn't believe in anything religious, not a god, not a Bible, nothing. So think about this. The government wanted to be there own god. They wanted to be in contol of everything. What are they going to do to get rid of the bad influences that books are having on people? They decide that they are going to kill the librarian. Now the librarian can decide how he is going to die. Soon the day of his exicution, he decides that he is going to put a bomb in his apartment and blow himself up. Now the chancellor comes to visit him right before he dies. Except the librarian locks the chancellor in with him in his apartment. The chancellor tries to scream for help but no one is there to save him. The librarian has set up cameras in his apartment so everybody can watch him die. I know strange but just keep following me. So anyway, the chancellor his stuck in the apartment with him. Now the librarian starts reading from his most prized possesion. The Bible. Now remember that these people don't believe in the Bible or God. So the chancellor has no choice but to sit down and listen to him. At about 20 seconds till the bomb is supposed to go off the chancellor cries out " In the name of God, please let me out!" And so the librarian does.

What can you decipher from this show? What message can you get?

That if you put somebody yourself in somebody else's shoe's you'll find out just how unbelievably wrong it is what you're doing to them. There is more to decipher from this but I forgot it. So I'm just going to let you try and decide. Good Luck!