Friday, July 22, 2011

Do You Believe?

Do you believe in God? I'm not sure if I do. Everybody says that you need to go to church if you believe in God. But I don't believe that's true. I feel like I believe in God, but maybe it's just that's feeling in needing something to believe in. Maybe that's what's in all of us. Maybe it's not God we believe in but the thought that there is something to believe in. That we all just need that hope that there is something bigger than us out there. Something or someone to thank when good things happen and blame when bad things happen. Maybe that's why people say there is a God. Because people need someone to blame. Because people need something to hold on to when nothing is left. Because that's all we have left. Hope. When all is lost what is left? Hope that things will get better. Hope that things can be different. Hope that there is someone to make it better. Hope to know that there is someone to trust. 

When I think of God I don't think of someone in a white robe looking down at us through a bed of clouds. I think of someone that is just like us. Someone that we can think of as our equal not our ruler. Someone you can confide in and trust that they won't tell anyone. Someone to lean on when you are tired or sad. Someone to tell all your happiness to. Someone to believe in and know that they believe in you too.